Corporate Social Responsibility

As a private company with a range of key stakeholders, AELTARI aims to behave in a socially responsible way. ‘Corporate social responsibility’, in this context, means that we take account of the impact our work has on the economy, society and the environment. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) for AELTARI is about how we align our activities with the expectations of our stakeholders in relation to our economic, social and environmental impacts. Our stakeholders include our employees, clients, investors, suppliers, communities and society as a whole. AELTARI aims to embed CSR into everything it does and to be a responsible company. To this end, we have set the following objectives:

Environmental impact, sustainability

  • Objective 1: Continually strive to improve our environmental performance wherever practicable.
  • Objective 2: Make the most efficient and effective use of all resources, encouraging all staff to develop a sustainable approach to their work.
  • Objective 3: Minimise carbon emissions from business travel by avoiding unnecessary travel and travelling by energy efficient transport unless there are reasons why this is not practicable or if there are other circumstances that would impede efficiency or effectiveness.
  • Objective 4: Encourage staff to use sustainable modes of transport to commute to work.
  • Objective 5: Identify and implement cost-effective energy and water conservation measures and minimise waste generated.

Business ethics

  • Objective 6: Meet, and where possible, exceed all relevant legal requirements.
  • Objective 7: Behave with honesty and integrity in all our activities and relationships with others.
  • Objective 8: Act ethically and fairly at all times in our dealings with our stakeholders.
  • Objective 9: Maintain internal controls adequate to ensure standards are met.


  • Objective 10: Develop and implement a sustainable and socially responsible procurement policy.
  • Objective 11: Work with our suppliers to help us achieve our sustainable and socially responsible procurement policy aspirations in the delivery of our products and services.

Our People

  • Objective 12: Respect the rights and dignity of every employee and treat them fairly and without discrimination on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, marital status, creed, colour, race, religion, age, ethnic origin, nationality, union status or disability.
  • Objective 13: Promote the health and well-being of our staff.
  • Objective 14: Encourage team working and the sharing of knowledge throughout the organisation.
  • Objective 15: Provide a safe, fulfilling and rewarding career for all our employees.

In the community

  • Objective 16: Enable staff who wish to undertake voluntary activities to do so.
  • Objective 17: Enable our staff to continue to support charitable organisations every year through voluntary fundraising activities etc.